- Download DTCOM
- Click on DTCOM_E.exe
- Select COM port (Refer to COM port driver installation guide) and then click on “Auto Detect”.
- After detection of some controllers, in the “communication protol” section click on one the detected items and then click “SET” then “Close”.
- Click on Monitor Icon.
- Select proper “Address”. In hydrostatic pressure testers from AHP, there are “number of lines+1” station address, for example in 4 station hydrostatic unit there are 5 address. 1 to 4 is related to pressure lines and 5 is related to temperature address. Select requested address for calibration.
- For DSC-OIT tester there are 2 address, 1 & 2 . Selecting each of these numbers will connect DTCOM to sensor 1 and 2.
- In the bottom of page settings for the requested station address will be shown.
Calibration offset value. Be noted after set of proper value don’t forget to “ENTER”. Unless the value will not be saved.
- Don’t change any other parameters of this page.