5 General characteristics
5.2 Opacity
Crosslinked polyethylene pipes that are declared to be opaque shall not transmit more than 0,2 % of visible light, when tested in accordance with EN 578.
7 Mechanical characteristics
When tested in accordance with the test method as specified in Table 7 using the indicated parameters, the pipe shall withstand the hydrostatic (hoop) stress without bursting. In the case of pipes with (a) barrier 1ayer(s) the test shall be carried out on test pieces without the barrier 1ayer(s)-
8 Physical and chemical characteristics
When tested in accordance with the test methods as specified in Table 8 using the indicated parameters, the pipe shall conform to the requirements given in this table.
9 Performance requirements
When pipes conforming to this standard are jointed to each other or components conforming to EN ISO 15875-3 [5], the pipes and the joints shall conform to EN ISO 15875-5.
EN ISO 15875-5 Test equipment will be as below items:
4 Fitness for purpose of the joints and the piping system
4.1 General
When tested in accordance with the applicable test methods as specified in Table 1, using the indicated
parameters given in 4.2 to 4.7, as applicable, the joints and the piping system shall have characteristics conforming to the requirements given in the applicable clauses.
For the tests described the fittings shall be connected to the pipe with which they are intended to be used.
Table 1 specifies the tests applicable for each different type of jointing system covered by this standard.
4.2 Internal pressure test
When tested in accordance with EN 921 using the test parameters given in Table 2 for the relevant classes the joint assemblies shall not leak.
The test pressure, pJ, for a given time to failure and test temperature shall be determined by the following equation:
In special circumstances, if joint tests according to this clause cause leaks resulting from deformations induced by differential elongation, a test pressure may be determined from the stress and creep data (relative to a design period of 50 years) for the different materials used.
4.3 Bending test
When tested in accordance with EN 713 to the applicable pressure for the 20 °C, 1 h condition given in Table 3, using a bending radius equal to the minimum radius of bending for the pipes as recommended by the system supplier, the joint assembly shall not leak.
This test is only applicable to pipes of nominal diameter greater than or equal to 32 mm.
4.4 Pull-out test
When tested in accordance with EN 712 using the parameters given in Table 4, the joint assemblies shall withstand the pull-out force, without being separated.
The force, F, shall be calculated from the following equation:
4.5 Thermal cycling test
When tested in accordance with EN 12293 using the parameter given in Table 5 the pipes, fittings or joints, as applicable, shall withstand the test without leakage.
The test for flexible pipes shall only be used when the manufacturer declares that the pipe can be bent to the configuration shown. The bending radius shall not be smaller than the minimum declared bending radius. In all other cases the test for rigid pipes shall apply.
The tensile stress, σt , used to calculate the pre-stress force required in EN 12293 shall be 1,8 MPa.
NOTE The tensile stress is calculated, using the following equation:
4.6 Pressure cycling test
When tested for leaktightness under pressure cycling in accordance with EN 12295 using the parameters given in Table 6, the pipes, fittings or joints, as applicable, shall not leak.
4.7 Leaktightness under vacuum
When tested the leaktightness under vacuum in accordance with EN 12294 using the parameters given in Table 7, the change in vacuum pressure shall not be greater than 0,05 bar.
Pressure Cycling Tester According to EN 12295
Oven for Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
Gel Content Tester for PEX Products
Hot Water Bath for Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
End Caps (Clamp Set for Creep-Life Testing Of Polymer Pipes)
Leak Tester of Fittings Under Bending
Leak Tester for Fittings Under Negative Pressure
Universal Tensile Compression Tester (UTM)
Thermal Cycling Test Stand for Pipes and Fittings
Melt Flow Index Tester (MFI, MFR)
Hydrostatic Pressure Test Unit
Pipe life Tester (Resistance of polymer pipe for Chemicals, …)
Hot Water Bath for Chemical Resistance Testing