- Close HDT-Vicat software.
- Download DTCOM software in below link.
- Click on DTCOM_E.exe
- Select COM port (Refer to COM port driver installation guide- If you already have HDT-Vicat software on your computer, this means that you already have hardware driver on PC and no need to do more for driver installation) and then click on “Auto Detect” (For knowing what is communication COM PORT number, go to the settings Tab of the software and you will see communication port number as below picture).
- After detection of some controllers, in the “communication protol” section click on one one the detected items (no matter which one-just click on one of them) and then click “SET” then “Close”.
- Click on Monitor Icon.
- Select proper “Address”. Proper address for the temperature of HDT-Vicat tester is “1”. Then click on “CONNET”.
- In the bottom of page settings for the requested station address will be shown. That is setting parameters for temperature controller in address “1”. Calibration parameter is “PV tuning”.

Calibration offset value. Be noted after setting of proper offset value, don’t forget to “ENTER”. Unless the value will not be saved.
- Suppose that the measured value using reference thermometer is 90.0C and software is showing you 91.7C. This means that you need to set -1.7C on “PV tuning”. After you entered this value at PV tuning , push ENTER key on keyboard for saving.
- then you can close this software. after you closed you can come to this page again and be sure you have set and saved “PV tuning”. Then the value showing on the software will be corrected -1.7C.
- Don’t change any other parameters of this page.
- Video help is available on “WhatsApp number +905469180483”. Don’t hesitate to contact any time needed.